Man, there's nothing like an overly subjective top-10 list to get the old nerd blood flowing. To wit, here's one man's opinion of the best movie fight scenes of all time. The rules are as follows:
It has to be individuals or a group fighting in (reasonably) close quarters, so no vehicle combat (Mad Max 2), no space battles (Return of the Jedi) ,and no epic warfare or sieges (The Return of the King).While I disagree with a few of the choices, it's important to keep in mind that the object of any web top 10 is not to be correct in any sense, but to spark off the inevitable talkback thread where you are promptly informed of everything that you missed.
For example, after reading the article I found myself all huffed at the glaring omission of the sheer brilliance that was David Keith vs. Roddy Piper in
They Live or Uma Thurman plowing through the Crazy 88 in
Kill Bill -- only to find as I scrolled down that a half a dozen geeks had already covered those bases for me.
Then again, how can I take any list of fight scenes
seriously if it's not going to even consider this?