
Man of Action

This one is a little bit self improvement, a little bit motivation.

Check this little video out- takes about 10 minutes of time and has some interesting stuff in there:


See if it doesn't get you at least a little bit motivated. Unless you are too cool for school...

5 Star Wars Status Updates

Monster actually found this first, but it's so good that I just had to share.

4 others await -- Enjoy!



Maybe it's just my perspective -- but there are few things I find more southern than Flyswatters. Growing up my mom always seem to have one around, and would whisk it this way and that. On the good side, it enabled her to leave everything but the screen door open so she could have that full "Florida Room" experience while reading, but at the same time there was always something buzzing around the house, making dinner seem more like picnics.

It was also her preferred disciplinary implement whenever my brother or I misbehaved (which probably has more to do with why I dislike them than anything else).

Still, for a lot of us it's the last day at work before a holiday -- which means a lot of surfing the web, chewing the fat, and swiping at flies.

Have at it!


Being Thankful

(if the picture doesn't load, refresh the page)

Trailer Park Boys is a Canadian TV show that's now in its seventh season. As such, it's a highly recommended thing of several moments ago. But since I'm a dumb American and just found out aboot it, it's new to me.

The characters are all residents of the same trailer park, and the show centers on their petty crimes, get-rich-quick schemes, and power struggles. Be thankful you don't live in a trailer park.The show can be a bit hit-and-miss, but the magic is in the details: lead character Ricky lives out of a car and stirs his Kool-Aid with a plastic shoehorn. His partner in crime *always* has a mixed drink in his hand, and they're constantly harassed by a disgraced cop/trailer park supervisor with delusions of grandeur.

What's really great about the show is that it's not just a snobby put-down of trailer trash. The characters have a can-do ethic, and survival skills that work for them within the park, even if they don't completely understand how the world outside works.


Moustache-fest 2009 Rages On!

This may be the end all - be all of the great moustache-fest 2009. Please feel free to bribe me and purchase me one of these for my dog.


Lesser-Known Fetishes

Straight from Slabovia, Kierky and Nietzsche are here to tell you that whatever you're into, it's ok.

Super Hard Movie Quote Quiz

Lets play a little game -- here's a clip with a series of famous movie quotes. All you have to do is watch them and see if you can name the Movies they came from.

Be warned, it's kinda tricky

ps - The volume kicks in sorta loud. Controls can be found at the bottom right corner if you need them.


Famous Authors Narrate the Funny Pages

I'm gonna go ahead and say this -- I hate laughing at things in McSweeney's, because when they miss they miss hard, which only serves as a bitter reminder that I've submitted items to them many times that have been shot down, all of which I've felt were funnier than some of the stuff they've decided to post instead.

Then they put out something like this, and I'm forced to shut up.

..Kinda sucks.

Anyways, famous authors retelling the Sunday funnies -- Hemingway in particular cracked me up.


The Monster at the End of This Book

Lovable, furry old Grover in his prime -- before all the booze, snow, and groupies did him in.

Actually, it's a click-thru version of one of my favorite books to have read to me as a child, which became one of my son's favorite books for me to read to him.


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